James Shaw II

1887 - 1949

man with moustache

Son of a farmer, Sloyd-trained Craft Teacher, Royal Garrison Atillery Bombardier in German East Africa, Scout Master, Church Elder

Roman numeral clock face - 7:49

Timeline 1887 to 1949

Carpenter using a hand brace

Training in the slöjd method at Nääs, Sweden

Sketch of trek cart

An account of a 109 mile Trek undertaken by 1st Dundee Scout Troop in 1911

Sketch of trek cart

Contemporary material relating to the 1911 Scout trek

Insignia of the Royal Artillery

Service with the Royal Garrison Artillery in East Africa and London during the Great War

Diary title page

A pocket diary kept between June 1916 and November 1917 while serving with the Royal Garrison Artillery in East Africa

silhouette of two officers

Lord Baden-Powell is presented to the Dundee district Boys Brigade and Scouts

sketch of ARP helmet

A World War II Air Raid Precautions exercise that didn't work out as planned